
Our journey began with a mission to provide a quality source of new wood type for letterpress enthusiasts who value quality prints free from the imperfections of old wood type founts. Over the years, we have had the honour of collaborating with numerous graphic designers, esteemed universities, and passionate hobbyist printers

From careful selection of the end-grain wood to precise CNC machining, we meticulously shape each character to type height, offering both standard type height of 0.918” and custom type heights as requested. To further enhance the longevity and print quality, our wood type is sealed with shellac, providing a smooth and durable surface that guarantees remarkable prints for years to come.

What we offer?

We offer full founts, number sets, ornaments and custom orders.

Within reason, wood type can be made as large, or as small as desired. The pricing is dependant on the level of detail, how much wood is used and the time required.